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I asked him if I could photographed him. He nodded affirmatively. How beautiful he was! He shook his head like old men do, who still carry life only in their eyes, like those who have seen many sorrows and passed…


Pitala sam ga mogu li ga fotografirati. Potvrdno je kimnuo glavom. Kako je samo lijep bio ! Odmahnuo je glavom kao što to rade stariji ljudi koji nose život još samo u očima, kao oni koji su vidjeli mnoge tuge…


Behind me is the dolls army. They stand under my flag, in my ranks. Drumming. Ready for an attack, ready to defend memories. Who can do anything to me?


Iza sebe imam vojsku lutaka. Stoje pod mojom zastavom, u mojim redovima. Bubnjaju. Spremni na napad, spremni braniti sjećanja. Tko mi šta može?


I flourish in this warm winter! It is so with all of us heralds of spring; my leaves dread the frost, but as long as it is not there, I unfurl my sunlit petals caressed by its rays.


Cvatem ove tople zime ! Tako je s nama vjesnicima proljeća; listovi mi strepe nad mrazom, al dok ga nema, rasprostirem svoje latice suncem ogledana.


In the last few months, I have been intensively socializing with Jose Saramago. I bring his manuscripts to bed, have lunch with him, breakfast as well. Pictures he composes into sentences have the effect as if he is cutting my…


Posljednjih mjeseci intenzivno se družim s Jose Saramagom. Nosim njegove rukopise u krevet, ručam s njime, doručkujem. Slike koje satavlja u rečenice kao medicinskim skalpelom izrezuju mi kožu, zarezuju žile i prodiru u crvena krvna zrnca, a i ona druga.…

This morning

Sometimes I forget that I am touched by the sun, to birches friendly inclined. That I am the one helping the wind to be visible, illuminated by gold, carefree and playful, ready to play with butterflies. Sometimes in the morning…


Ponekad zaboravim da sam suncem dodirnuta, prijateljski brezama naklonjena. Da sam ona koja pomaže vjetru da bude vidljiv, zlatom obasjana, bezbrižna i razigrana, spremna na igru s leptirima. Ponekad jutrom postajem smežurana kao kakva starica, zapuštena i napuštena kao stara…

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