This morning
Sometimes I forget that I am touched by the sun, to birches friendly inclined. That I am the one helping the wind to be visible, illuminated by gold, carefree and playful, ready to play with butterflies. Sometimes in the morning…
Sometimes I forget that I am touched by the sun, to birches friendly inclined. That I am the one helping the wind to be visible, illuminated by gold, carefree and playful, ready to play with butterflies. Sometimes in the morning…
Ponekad zaboravim da sam suncem dodirnuta, prijateljski brezama naklonjena. Da sam ona koja pomaže vjetru da bude vidljiv, zlatom obasjana, bezbrižna i razigrana, spremna na igru s leptirima. Ponekad jutrom postajem smežurana kao kakva starica, zapuštena i napuštena kao stara…