Kramer is Kramer
I took a day off. I put on a flaunting, floral T-shirt, a narrow skirt, on the feet half-womanly shoes. I removed the entire surplus from the bag: pencil-box – no, I won’t draw, notebook-nor write, or write down passing sentences. Knife, scissors and wire I left on the countertop, and with a bag light as a bird’s feather, I set out into the day off. And not by bike, I took a day off from it too. Just me, my legs and my flaunting T-shirt. Okay, I admit, and the book of narrative-poetry by Suzana Matić. Semi-thin, as not to burden the right shoulder. Tram, people like beach stones, wet and bunged-up tight on each other, pure delight! And just at the moment I wanted to go out at my station, I read in that book: “and one fugitive circus girl balancing there on the horizon, provoking her clouds. And she did it flawlessly skillfully and freely, because circus girls never burden (encumber) their hands with luggage, and with the elegant red suitcase only in a seeming life. ”
Basically, I got off the tram at a station by my former university, devoid of attachment to a place full of deceit, free from the baggage of the past, and found myself with my face and body in front of the rejected treasure: glassware, vials, caps, windows…biology cabinet. Momentarily, I forgot about the fluttering t-shirt, womanly shoes, the circus girl, and started digging through Alibaba’s cave, ready to defend my acquisition from the other vultures. Soon I looked like a Christmas tree of some pathetic family who managed to hang on it all of the kitschy things they have been gathering over the years, whilst prancing in front of other magpies and crows with the grin of a half-loony who unexpectedly won the lottery. All elegance, childlike bouncing, my empty bag, became “irrelevant”, and the past picture was replaced by a picture of an overloaded female child with untied shoe-laces.
I laughed at myself , and mockingly addressed the circus girl, “Let me see you now how you balance on the clouds!”
Each time brings its joys and its freedoms. Sometimes the biggest jail is the greatest freedom, and the greatest burden is just the messenger of the moment of upcoming lightness.
A new exhibition is being created. From glass. In some completed present-day future it has already come into being and has put the necessities on my path. Clouds and glass.
Luckily I had a day off!