It’s not that doll!
Once I made a beautiful doll. The most beautiful. In fact, doll-installation. I wanted to give it to a friend. One of my sons said that I couldn’t give it to her, because she will break it. I did not…
Once I made a beautiful doll. The most beautiful. In fact, doll-installation. I wanted to give it to a friend. One of my sons said that I couldn’t give it to her, because she will break it. I did not…
Jednom sam napravila prekrasnu lutku. Najljepšu. Ustvari lutku- instalaciju. Htjela sam ju pokloniti prijateljici. Jedan moj sin je rekao da joj to ne mogu pokloniti, da će ju ona strgati. Nisam ga poslušala. Poklonila sam joj taj rad, lutku, instalaciju,…
At each of our coffees she comes prepared, scented with its mysterious waves of silence, irony and misery. Clothed in the majesty of her smile, she throws sparks on me with her sights. Like some queen who wears her throne…
Na svaku našu kavu dođe pripremljena, namirisana svojim tajnovitim valovima tišine, ironije i bijede. Odjevena u veličanstvo svojeg osmijeha, baca varnice po meni svojim pogledima. Kao kakva kraljica koja tron svoj nosi u pokretima ; nježna i okrutna, širi svoje…